Member-only story
This is my at-one-ment with the Universe
including all that She provides for me.
And I call her a She
because She is the Bounty of all Being.
God remains as the masculine
and serves as the Provider of and for Her offspring.
And thus They Create One Another.
As the Bible says Eve was made of the rib from Adam.
So the Universe is created
from the piece of Him
that is nearest and dearest to His Heart.
I assume by many I will be called a New Age thinker,
and I don’t dispute that indeed I am.
At the rate the world is moving right now,
today is certainly a newer age than yesterday.
And indeed this month a newer age than last.
If an age does not become new,
it is because the Being has ceased to grow.
And Life decays from stagnancy.
Yet from whichever age I have come,
be it the Age of Buddha, the Age of Christ, the Age of Mohammed,
the Age of Slavery, or the Age of Darkness,